You probably already know how irritating it is when the battery runs out in your remote control, or when your laptop dies in the middle of work. But when it comes to your hearing aid, you don’t have the luxury of waiting until it happens. Rechargeable battery technology has changed the way we use every day electrical items, and that same rechargeable technology is now available for hearing aids.

Are There Downsides to Disposable Hearing Aid Batteries?

The 312 zinc-air battery requires users to remove a small tab off its back to activate it. But what many people might not know is that the moment the battery is oxygenated fully, it begins to lose power at a rapid rate. And that power is lost whether the device is in use or not.

The instant loss of charge means that hearing aid users don’t get full use of their batteries. On average, 312 battery users will replace the battery in the hearing aid up to 120 times a year. It is reported that they can die anywhere between three and 12 days.

When you use 312 batteries, you must always have a stockpile ready.

Why Should You Swap to Using a Rechargeable Hearing Aid?

If you have been using 312 zinc-air non-rechargeable batteries for a while, then you will already know that it can be pretty frustrating when they stop working and need to be replaced. Luckily the hearing aid industry has made considerable strides in its technological advancements, including incorporating rechargeable batteries. Research shows that most hearing aid users will prefer to wear rechargeable technology.

One of the issues that rechargeable hearing aids faced in their early conception was that they didn’t hold as much charge as a 312 zinc-air battery. Recent hearing aid innovation means that a charge could last a whole day. One of the most important bonuses for a rechargeable hearing aid user is that there are no batteries to replace. The user will need to place the hearing aid onto the charging unit or use the method provided in the instructions to charge the hearing aid.

Something worth keeping in mind is that often a 312 zinc-air battery will compromise the sound that the user is receiving when running low on power. This discrepancy in the sound can be challenging to detect. It is not uncommon for 312 zinc-air batteries to be faulty, which not only is a hazard, but the battery may die at any moment.

Types of Hearing Aid Rechargeable Battery

As a hearing aid user, you already know that there is a wide range of hearing aid options. During your appointment with your audiologist, you may have been introduced to many options.

When choosing a rechargeable hearing aid, even more options are available to you. One of the most practical solutions is the integrated lithium-ion batteries. You might recognize the name, as this is the type of battery that gives your cell phone its power.

A range of hearing aid models offer you the ability to charge the hearing aid without removing the battery pack. For this type of rechargeable hearing aid, the user will place the entire unit onto a charging station. Putting the hearing aid on the charging station as you sleep is ideal. Another option utilized in modern rechargeable hearing aids is silver-zinc tech. These ground-breaking batteries were initially developed for Nasa’s moon missions.

Even your current hearing aids may be updated to work on rechargeable power using this technology. Rechargeable batteries, like lithium-ion batteries, will last all day without needing to be recharged – and are one of the most popular options. There is no doubt that rechargeable hearing aids are more economical in the long term, but they are also more convenient for more hearing aid users. You can charge your hearing aid whenever you like – and the best thing is that most charging stations and cases are highly portable too.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that while there are several benefits to using a rechargeable hearing aid, you need to work with your audiologist to find the right one for your lifestyle.

Learn more about your options with Hearing & Balance Centers of West Tennessee call us today at Jackson: (731) 256-5973 or Memphis: (901) 201-6761.