Hearing aids can be a transformative experience for those who have hearing loss. They allow people to better engage in conversations and activities that may have previously been challenging. Unfortunately, being new to the world of hearing aids means you may not know what to expect or how to properly care for them. To help ensure your journey into life with a hearing aid is successful, here are five of the most common mistakes hearing aid owners make – and how you can avoid making them yourself.

1) Not Getting Properly Fitted

Hearing aids come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and styles, which means they are specifically designed to fit different ears differently. When getting fitted with your new device, it’s important that you get the right type of hearing aid that fits your ear perfectly. If not, the device may be uncomfortable or even painful to wear.

There are different types of hearing aids available, depending on your lifestyle and needs. The most common types are behind-the-ear (BTE) aids, which sit outside the ear canal and are connected to an earmold that fits inside the outer ear, in-the-canal (ITC) and in-the-ear (ITE) aids which fit snugly inside the ear bowl. An experienced audiologist can help select the right device for you and make sure it is fitted properly.

2) Not Being Patient with New Hearing Aids

Making the transition from no hearing aids to wearing them all day can take some time. It’s important to be patient with yourself as you get used to what it sounds like again and learn how to use your new device correctly. Your brain needs time to adjust, so don’t expect everything to sound perfect in just a few days.

The first few days and weeks tend to be the time for the biggest adjustment, as you learn how to distinguish between different sounds and adjust the volume levels. You may notice sounds are too loud or too low, so it’s important to keep track and follow up with your audiologist until you find settings that work best for you.

3) Not Doing Regular Maintenance

Just like any other electronic device, hearing aids require regular maintenance and cleaning. This can include wiping down the device with a soft cloth, changing the wax filter, and replacing the battery. Neglecting to take care of your hearing aids can lead to a decrease in sound quality over time.

It’s important to follow the directions of your audiologist and make sure you are cleaning your hearing aids regularly. You should also check in with them once a month for more detailed maintenance, such as adjusting settings or replacing batteries.

4) Not Checking Volume Settings

Hearing aids come with adjustable volume settings so you can adjust how loud or quiet the sound is. If these settings are not adjusted properly, you may find that sounds are too loud or too quiet for your comfort level. Make sure to check and adjust your volume settings regularly to ensure you’re getting the most out of your device.

The best way to make sure your volume settings are correct is to speak with an experienced audiologist. They can help you adjust the settings and find the perfect level for you.

5) Not Taking Time Off

It’s important to give yourself a break from your hearing aids every now and then. Wearing them all day can be tiring, so it’s a good idea to take them out for short breaks and sleep with them off if possible. This will give you a chance to relax and rejuvenate your hearing before putting the devices back in.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes to step away from your hearing aids and give yourself a break. Have a cup of tea or read a book to relax – anything that will help you destress. You can also try some relaxation exercises or listen to calming music.

By avoiding these common mistakes, new hearing aid owners can ensure they are getting the most out of their device and make the transition into life with a hearing aid smooth and successful. If you’re considering getting a hearing aid or have recently purchased one, contact an experienced audiologist today who can help answer any questions you might have.

If you want to learn more about new hearing aids or just want to schedule a hearing test, contact the friendly team at Hearing & Balance Centers of West by calling one of our following locations: Jackson: (731) 256-5973 or Memphis: (901) 201-6761.

Tags: hearing aid basics, hearing aid usage tips