Hearing aid technologies have come on a huge amount in the past 10-15 years and manufacturers are constantly looking at new and unique ways of making their devices more wearer-friendly and usable. But the big question is – what, exactly, are some of the best technological advances in hearing aid technology today? We’ve taken a look around and found some of the best innovations in the hearing health field today and tomorrow! Let’s take a closer look at what you can expect with a modern hearing aid.

Bluetooth technology on hearing aids

Bluetooth has been available on hearing aids for some time now, but we are only just starting to see some of the exciting developments it is causing. This gives you the opportunity to hear audio from your compatible device through your hearing aid, with sound and volume adjustments available for maximum comfort depending on our environment. Recently, we have seen similar technology spread out into Bluetooth enabling you to connect your hearing aid to any mobile phone or tablet with Bluetooth.

Designs and features

Pretty much every manufacturer out there on the hearing aid market today is looking at making their designs sleeker, more attractive and smaller. As technology progresses, we will see this trend continue – making devices less noticeable for users. Features are also increasing dramatically and there are some real innovations occurring in the current market. Ear-to-ear connections are one of the best examples of progress, as it makes it easier for users to understand speech more clearly, especially in challenging situations and environments.

Better rechargeable technology

Rechargeable hearing aids have been around for some time now, but it’s only recently that manufacturers have been improving the technology in a noticeable way. One good example of this is the uptake in manufacturers switching to lithium-ion powered batteries, which can last for well over a year and at the same time are a little smaller than their older alternatives.

Better testing technology

Of course, many of these additional features will be worthless unless the testing process before recommendations is good enough. At the Hearing & Balance Centers of West Tennessee, we use the latest in testing technology, which itself has come on in leaps and bounds. Online hearing tests – used with a pair of headphones – is another move in the right direction and while they shouldn’t be used for a complete diagnosis, they are showing people that may not realize they have hearing loss that they could have a problem.


Advanced technology is becoming prevalent in almost every area of life, so it’s no surprise the hearing aid industry is enjoying the benefits of machine learning, too. Hearing aid manufacturers are joining forces with technology companies to create smarter, more adaptable hearing aids that offer a huge range of improvements. These include the use of many applications, including machine learning aids that can block out background noises, recognize a variety of environments and make the user experience a lot better in many different ways.

Safer hearing aids

One final feature of the future of hearing aids is the inclusion of sensors. Some manufacturers are working on clever sensor technology that has onboard inertial sensors that can actually track your activity, and, more importantly for older device wearers, even detect when the user falls down. This could be life-changing – and perhaps even life-saving – to people that suffer from hearing loss and are also unsteady on their feet.

The Hearing & Balance Centers of West Tennessee offers a free hearing screening and consultation service and the very latest in innovative devices and testing processes. Whatever your hearing aid needs, we can help you find the right solution, to enable you to return to a life of independence, comfort and remain an active participant in society. Call us to arrange an appointment in which we will review your hearing loss, hearing difficulties and communication environment. A discussion of your needs will follow with recommendations and solutions.

To arrange an appointment or to find answers to any of your questions about finding a hearing aid or anything else that is hearing related, please contact our Jackson office at (731) 256-5973 and our Memphis location at (901) 201-6761. We are excited to find the right solution for your specific needs!